Posts Tagged ‘Taking Time’

Taking Our Time, Dammit!

It kind of amazes me at how quickly people are willing to meet offline.  Only very recently have we started posting online that we will eventually be looking for someone that can join our family.  In the last few days I have spoken with a few women from the area that are interested, or at least curious, about a similar lifestyle.  On every profile, forum, or site I have posted on I have always stated that my husband and I are looking to take our time to get to know someone before meeting and then take our time again before we invite them into our home, marriage, life, and family.

We don’t want to rush.  We are looking for chemistry and for someone that we can connect with emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, etc.  Not just physically.  If we were only looking for someone that we connected with physically and sexually then we wouldn’t have to take our time.  It wouldn’t be difficult to find the right person.

I have already spoken with a few women and within the first 20-30 minutes a few of them were already talking about meeting.  It amazes me and frustrates me at how people just want to rush into things and no one wants to take their time to get to know someone.  Especially online.  Isn’t anyone afraid of predators anymore?  How do people know that my husband and I aren’t serial killers or something and they are ready for us to just come and meet them?  There was a time when I was like this as well and I am very fortunate that I didn’t get myself into worse situations than I did.  Now that I am older and I have a daughter I can’t believe how trusting people are of each other.

We’re waiting for the person that wants to take her time also.  That wants to talk and get to know us while we get to know her.  We want to know we already have some connections before we meet in person.  We’re waiting for our special lady, our soul mate.